Competition rules

Suggested competition tasks for the national round of the competition "Masters of technics"

Task no. 1: Solar recycling car Open Open
Task no. 2: Car with propeller drive Open Open
Task no. 3: Organizer Open Open
Note: After consultation with our partners, we finally decided on competitive task no. 3

Rules of the national competition "Masters of technics"

  1. Work Safety
    The use of protective equipment (safety goggles and safe machines) is mandatory for all students.
  2. Consumables
    The "Masters of Technics" organizing team will provide the necessary consumables and spare parts for the competition.
  3. Machinery
    Each team will bring their own safe machinery. The technical creations will be cut from plywood and then manually sanded.
  4. Mentor Consultations
    Contestants have 5 minutes to consult with a mentor after receiving the technical documentation. Teams are not allowed to communicate with the mentor during work, except during breaks.
  5. Competition Schedule
    • 9:00 – 9:15: Welcome and rules
    • 9:15 – 9:20: Consultation with mentors
    • 9:20 – 10:20: Teamwork on the model
    • 10:20 – 10:30: Break
    • 10:30 – 10:35: Consultation with mentors
    • 10:35 – 11:35: Teamwork on the model
    • 11:35 – 11:55: Model evaluation by the committee
    • 11:55 – 12:20: Closing ceremony and team rankings
Evaluation Committee
  1. Committee Composition
    The evaluation committees consist of three to five members. The composition is determined by the "Masters of Technics" organizing team, which will appoint one coordinator (chair of the evaluation committee) and two to four members.
  2. Evaluation Criteria
    The technical creations will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
    • Workplace organization: 5 points
    • Skill in using tools and work safety: 10 points
    • Precision in cutting and sanding parts: 10 points
    • Accuracy and orderliness in assembling parts: 10 points
    • Functionality of the technical creation: 10 points
    • Innovation and design of the technical creation: 5 points
    • Total points: 50
  3. Evaluation
    The evaluation committee will emphasize the completeness and functionality of the technical creation. In the event of a tie, the team with higher points for functionality and precision of the joints will be favored.
Team Selection for the National Competition
National Competition: 10 teams (20 students) involved in the Erasmus+ "Masters of Technics" project will participate in the national competition.